Welcome to our Video Tutorial Page.

Below you will find motivational videos, about Crossfit, movement Tutorials, and Nutritional videos that will help you crush your goals. 

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CrossFit Training has whats called Fundamental Movements. These 9 Movements create the foundation of all movements and build a strong understanding of the importance of proper positioning. Please review these movements before your first Fundamentals session to get a heads up on what to expect. 

Common WeightliftingMovements

Below are common weightlifting movements you will see in workouts and scaling options you could use for the movements.  Weightlifting is the ability to move external objects in the most efficient and safest way possible. This includes but not limited to Pushing, Pulling and Throwing. The importance of olympic weightlifting varies by degree and not by kind. Therefore, the benefits of weightlifting to a 90 year old man or a 20 year old stud are the same when it comes to the function of the movement.

Common Gymnastics Movements

Gymnastics is the ability to move your body in the external environment safety and efficiently. Below are video of common gymnastics movements you will experience in our facility.

Baseline Test- 100 single unders, 40 squats, 30 sit-ups, 20 pushups, 10 Burpees